The Foundation Phase consists of two Grade RR classes, three Grade R classes and four classes in Grades 1 – 3 respectively. Each class size ranges from 35 pupils. The dedicated teachers in the Foundation Phase provide a warm, stimulating and dynamic teaching and learning environment. Our children are encouraged to explore, experiment, interact, think, reason and express their creative talents in order to reach their full academic potential. We emphasise the social skills of etiquette, friendship, courtesy, empathy, sharing, co-operation and justice.
The school is fortunate to have the services of Teaching Assistants in the Foundation Phase classes. Their valuable input includes assistance with administrative duties, group work and various other aspects of the teaching and learning situation. There are also ‘Reading Mums, Dads and Grandparents’ who enjoy the opportunity to give one-on-one reading time to the children during the mornings.
Cliffview keeps up with the technological developments in education, each classroom has Technological devices and equipment which enable effective learning. A comprehensive Twinkl Phonics program assists our learners to develop skills in Reading, Writing and Spelling. Specialist teachers for Media, Computer and Physical Education provide additional opportunities for development. A large variety of extra mural activities are provided for the children in this Phase.
The children are encouraged to become responsible, independent, self-disciplined members of the school. The foundations laid in this Phase ensure continued growth and development in the Intermediate and Senior Phases.
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